Sunday, May 27, 2007

Amnesty International reports Israel killed 650 Palestinians last year, Palestinians killed 27 Israelis

We always hear the Israeli side of the story. We hear from Israeli politicians, the Israeli military, Jewish American groups who support Israel. But we don't hear much from the Palestinian side. When we do, it's invariably horrifying and gruesome, such as these documentaries I wrote about before. Maybe that's why we don't hear their side, because it's too disturbing to think about, especially because America supports Israel in its atrocities. This report from Amnesty International shows that it's Israel doing most of the killing, not the Palestinians. Democracy Now describes the report, which also condemns America's many human rights violations:
Amnesty’s report ... states that Israel killed more than 650 Palestinians last year, three times the number of Palestinians killed in 2005. Half of the Palestinians killed last year were unarmed civilians. The Palestinian death toll included 120 children. During the same period, Palestinian militants killed 27 Israelis –- including 20 civilians and one child.

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